Can I cancel the contract before the term?
Yes, if both the lessor and the tenant approved the application or a court order was obtained.
Can I modify the contract if I want to change its details?
The contract can be amended depending on the contract start date, where there is a certain limitation.
Is there a penalty for closing or canceling a tenancy contract?
A. No. There are no penalties for tenancy contract closure or cancellation.
Can I cancel/close a tenancy contract through DARI
You can cancel a tenancy contract if it is still active or close it if it has expired.
What should I do if I cannot reach the tenant to cancel or close the tenancy contract?
You can either close the contract with a court order or follow the closing process without the tenant's approval. As a lessor, you may apply without ...
When can I close the tenancy contract?
You can do that once the contract has expired.
Who is authorized to close the tenancy contract?
To close a tenancy contract, the lessor and the tenant must approve the application. For companies, this can be done by the authorized signatory. If the con...
Who is authorized to cancel a tenancy contract?
To cancel the tenancy contract, the lessor and the tenant must approve the application. For companies, it can be done by the authorized signatory.
Can I pay the annual rent amount in installments?
A. Yes, this is possible upon prior agreement between the lessor and the tenant.
Can I pay the annual rent amount in installments?
Yes, this is possible upon prior agreement between the lessor and the tenant.
As an owner, am I able to increase the percentage of the annual rent amount
The annual amount should not be increased by more than 5%.
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